
A digital platform for Connecting Overdose Prevention Efforts, COPE overcomes challenges hampering local response efforts. By breaking down silos, offering alternatives to manual processes and tools, and providing real-time data, COPE is changing the face of public health.

Filling the Void

With community-based organizations historically having their activities disconnected, getting a full picture of the opioid epidemic has been challenging. By supporting these organizations and the communities they serve, COPE is bridging this gap in understanding through aggregate, real-time data.

How COPE Works

Offering overdose incident reporting for the public, easy onboarding for outreach organizations, and data-driven insights, COPE is empowering communities to save lives. Through the platform, organizations can track the supplies they use in their response efforts and digitize their tools. And to plan their resource allocation, those organizations as well as public health agencies can leverage COPE’s data dashboards.

Driving Overdose Response Efforts

COPE’s accessible technology platform provides an increasingly data-driven response to the opioid epidemic, further enabling communities to advocate for themselves. The comprehensive dashboards and scalable design enable organizations to plan outreach activities and coordinate emergency responses with confidence and ease.

COPE’s Primary Features

The first ever unified digital response platform to the opioid epidemic

Overdose Reporting

A straightforward form allows both members of the community and outreach workers to report overdose incidents. The information collected provides a robust, real-time understanding of the opioid epidemic.

Data-Driven Dashboards

COPE presents overdose-related data clearly, helping outreach organizations plan their efforts accordingly. Map-based views offer a clear picture of the most impacted areas within communities.

The first ever unified digital response platform to the opioid epidemic
The first ever unified digital response platform to the opioid epidemic

Supply Management

Once an organization signs up and receives login credentials for their state’s COPE system, organization members can utilize the various COPE supply management tools for items like Naloxone.

Secondary Features

The first ever unified digital response platform to the opioid epidemic

Grant Application Support

COPE enables organizations to produce reports on their activities, streamlining the grant application process.

The first ever unified digital response platform to the opioid epidemic


Organizations receiving funding from agencies can create an affiliation with them in COPE, which allows the funding organization to understand the impact of outreach efforts.

The first ever unified digital response platform to the opioid epidemic

Platform Administration

COPE’s easy-to-use portal gives platform administrators the ability to onboard new organizations, view engagement metrics, and more.

Experience the difference with COPE.

Our cloud-powered platform is more than just technology – it’s a catalyst for change. Join us in combatting the harm of the opioid epidemic, and embrace a future where every community has the tools they need to thrive.